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"The word of our God stands forever." (Isaiah 40:8)
This portal contains articles on the interpretations of rabbinic elders
and how their views intersect and illuminate portions of the New Testament.
Adon Olam — Lord of Eternity
Hebrew & English version of this famous hymn in Orthodox worship. Attributed to Solomon ibn Gabirol of Spain (1021-1055). [1 PDF page]
American Jews: The Last Leftist Jews in the World
Author Daniel Greenfield, of the David Horowitz Freedom Center in New York, has penned a devastating piece about elitist Jewish liberals whose ideologies are destructive to American society and the Jewish Community itself. This article from FrontPage Magazine is posted here with the permission of the Horowitz Freedom Center. [5 PDF pages]
Christmas is a Yehudi Holiday
Yes, Virginia, what you don't know is: Yeshua was Ben David of the Tribe of Judah, not only Ben Elohim, Son of God. [1 HTML page]
"Echad" in the Shema
The meaning of the adjective echad ("one") is the subject of numerous discussions. This study seeks to clarify what is often misunderstood or misinterpreted. We examine the word in the contexts of the Shema (Deut 6:4), then the whole message of the Hebrew Bible and the ancient (pagan) world in which Israel lived. [7 HTML pages]
"Elohim" in Biblical Context
The Hebrew word "Elohim" has been mined for its secrets for centuries. Its plural ending "-im" suggests to some a plurality within the Godhead. What is often missing in such interpretations is a thorough study of the word within its biblical contexts. This article looks at those contexts in depth and examines the other words for "God." This is a very detailed study. [Now 2 linked HTML documents]
Hanukkah and Yeshua
Some commentators say Yeshua celebrated Hanukkah, which commemorated the Maccabean revolt against paganism and the rededication of the Jerusalem Temple in 164 BCE. But comparing the spirit and purpose of the memorial with the spirit and purpose of Yeshua's ministry suggests he did not endorse this anti-Gentile festival. [7 HTML pages]
HaShem—The Name
This study explains the terms "HaShem" and "Tetragrammaton," and discusses the Hebrew meaning behind the sacred name of God: YHVH, Yahweh, or Adonai. Divine and human names have meaning in the Bible. The Hebrew names of Joshua, Isaiah, and Jesus are all related to God's ineffable Name. And each name contains a form of the verb yasha meaning to deliver, rescue or save. [6 HTML pages]
He Who is Coming: The Hidden Afikoman
The dessert matzah of the Passover Seder once had messianic connotations. But over time they were apparently suppressed. This article discusses the meaning of afikoman and the light it sheds on the Last Passover. [3 HTML pages]
Holocaust Message
This brief page of remembrance, repentance, and expression of restoration hope, was written in 1995 and accompanied a window display in Princeton, New Jersey. (See "Yom HaSho'ah" this page.) [1 HTML page]
Holocaust Remembrance—2018
One page photo message. [1 HTML page]
The Holocaust Window Display
A photographic memorial to Yom HaSho'ah. [2 HTML pages w/ photos]
The Last Passover of Yeshua
Based on historical documents, this is a reconstruction of what the Seder may have been like when Yeshua and his disciples observed it for the last time. It points out links between the Seder and the celebration of Passover which Yeshua hosted in Jerusalem in his final days. [17 pages, PDF]
Lies That Jews Changed the Shema
An internet falsehood says the rabbis substituted the word yachid for the original scriptural word echad, in order to quelch Christian interpretations of the Shema (Deut 6:4). This brief article debunks the lie. [3 HTML pages]
A Messianic Kiddush
This is a non-traditional Shabbat blessing that incorporates the traditional Kiddush with acknowledgment that Yeshua is God's gift of Light and Bread. (Contains Hebrew text, transliteration and English translation.) [2 HTML pages]The Myth that All Jews Rejected Jesus
It's a common teaching that the Jews of the first century rejected Jesus as the Messiah and that every Jewish generation has done so ever since. The New Testament dispels the first idea; human history has dispelled the second false idea. Jews did and always have believed in Jesus/Yeshua as the Mashiach.
Predictions of Messiah's Coming in Jewish Literature
For centuries Jewish thinkers predicted the date of the Messiah's arrival. The book of Daniel and the book of Jubilees in the Pseudepigrapha pointed to the First Century (the era of Yeshua) as the prophetic appointed time. After his era, the rabbis proposed other dates of Messiah's arrival. They range from AD/CE 80 to 1931. More recently, followers of the late Lubavitcher rabbi Menahem Schneerson have held firm their belief that he was/is the "Moshiach" and will come back from the dead to take office. [6 pages, PDF, 506k]
Sanhedrin 43a and the New Testament
This English only portion of the Gemara from the Babylonian Talmud contains references to Yeshua ["Yeshu" in this translation] and to his disciples. [4 HTML pages]
The Shema is Not All (For Followers of Yeshua)
Deuteronomy 6:4 (the "Shema: Hear, O Israel") is expanded by Yeshua and the New Testament to include the fuller revelation about God found in Psalm 110:1. [4 HTML pages]
“Soros’ War Against the Jews”
(by Daniel Greenfield]
This is a 2019 review by investigative journalist Daniel Greenfield of the background and emergence of Hungarian billionaire George Soros as a world-shaking anti-Semite Jew who founded the Marxist organization Open Society Foundation, and who seeks the overthrow of the State of Israel and ridding the world of Jews en toto. [Reprinted from] [ 7 PDF pages]
The Thirteen Principles of Faith of Maimonides
Rabbi Moses ben Maimon (Rambam; 1135-1204) set down these principles as a semi-creedal expression of Jewish faith, partly to counter Christian and Muslim beliefs. [3 HTML pages].
The Three Divisions of the Tanakh
Hebrew Bibles were traditionally divided in three orders. These tables list the books and their Hebrew, Greek, and English names.
What Are the Mishnah and Talmud?
A brief explanation written by novelist Chaim Potok. [2 HTML pages]
What Is God's Name: Adonai, Jehovah, or Yahveh?
This study surveys the meaning and origins of three popular names for God in Jewish and Christian communities. [12 PDF pages]
Why the Rabbis Exiled Daniel ( the Ketuvim)
In medieval Hebrew and modern Jewish Bibles, the book of Daniel is in the Writings or last portion of the Tanakh. He is not among the Prophets. Although he is called a "prophet" in the Dead Sea Scrolls, by Josephus, and in the N.T. [4 HTML pages]
Yeshua Did Not Hate Jews
Some people want to edit the New Testament so it doesn't inflame anti-Semitic attitudes. But is the NT the cause of Christian anti-Jewish feelings and actions? This study argues that what happened in Church history has little to do with Yeshua or his disciplesany more than the fiery words of Isaiah and Jeremiah against Jerusalem are responsible for the tragedies of Jewish history. In reality, had the Church paid attention to the teachings of the NT, no Jewish person would ever have suffered at the hands of Christians. [6 HTML pages]
Related Studies in Other Portals
Articles | Explanation | Hebrew Bible | Author/Editor
Hebrew-Greek Transliteration (PDF)