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The Truth About Armaggedon
A Book Review

  Books shape us. They change our road choices, confirm (or demolish) our ideas, lead toward (or away) from God.

William Sanford LaSor, The Truth About Armaggedon: What The Bible Says About the End Times (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1982)

The late professor William LaSor [1911-1991]—a specialist in Dead Sea Scrolls, Semitic languages, and Old Testament—wrote this little book for a general audience to show how to approach the subject of Armageddon and the End Times using sound principles of Bible interpretation. He gives a reader confidence to discern which things are clear in the Bible from others that aren't.

Though written for Christians, Jewish readers can learn from it, especially because prophecy and Bible Code breaking is a burgeoning business among kabbalists and Jewish future-tellers. In many ways, Jewish audiences may be more susceptible to such chicanery because they don't know the Bile very well. LaSor can help them.

The book consists of these chapters: (1) The Present Concern with the End, (2) What is "The End of the World?" (3) The Present Age, (4) The People of God, (5) The Servant of the Lord, (6) The Satanic Character of This Age, (7) The Messianic Idea, (8) The Second Coming of Christ, (9) The Antichrist, (10) The Great Tribulation, (11) Armageddon, (12) The Millennium, (13) The Resurrection, (14) The Judgment, and (15) The New Heaven and the New Earth.

Reviewer comments:
Prophecy is a multi-million dollar business. That is, selling books, DVDs, and audio CDs by prophecy experts who have cracked the codes and make predictions about what will happen in the future is a lucrative business. This commercial trafficking in Bible fortune-telling gives people the impression the Scriptures can be manipulated to say anything. That's true; they can. But that doesn't mean the Scriptures don't have consistent and clear teachings about the working out of divine purposes in human history. It's LaSor's purpose to illustrate what they are.

For short comments by LaSor on Eschatology and the Rapture click HERE.

You're also invited to read my "Armageddon: God's Final War with Evil Men" in the Hebrew Bible portal on this website.

• Paul Sumner


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