David Ben Gurion (1886-1973) was Israel's first prime minister (1948). Throughout his life he studied the Hebrew Bible and hosted studies in his home, inviting academic, political, and military leaders to participate. He believed that the Bible, read without the grid of rabbinic commentaries, was vital to the nation's future. The Bible is Illumined by its Own Light
A. B. Davidson (1831-1892) was a Scots professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis in New College, Edinburgh. He was one of the first English-speaking scholars to do a serious study of "Biblical Theology." Many of his conclusions diverged from common theological thought of his day (and of ours). But his independence of spirit was born from reading the Text.
The Theology of the Old Testament
Jakob Jocz (1906-1983), a Lithuanian-born son of Jewish disciples of Yeshua, became a disciple in his youth and went on to earn a PhD from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He later became professor of theology at Wycliffe College, Toronto, Ontario. On the Hebrew-Christian Future
William Sanford LaSor (19121991), a Semitic scholar and professor emeritus in Old Testament Theology at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, California. The Truth About Armaggedon
Daniel Oswald Rufeisen was a Polish Jew who survived Russian then Nazi occupations. He smuggled weapons into the Jewish ghetto of Mir in Belarus (Belorussia) and saved over 200 young Jews from extermination. He later converted to Catholic Christianity and immigrated to Israel, where his request to be classified as a Jew was denied by the Israeli courts. He died in 1998, a member of a monastery in Haifa. Hebrew Christians between Early
and Later Christian Traditions
Norman Henry Snaith, was a British Bible scholar, translator, and editor of Torah, Neviim, Ketuvim (Hebrew Bible, 1958). This is sometimes called "the Snaith Bible." In The Distinctive Ideas, he examines the Hebrew concepts of God's holiness and righteousness, God's different kinds of love (hesed, ahavah) and his ruach. Snaith then compares how these Hebrew ideas appear in the NT.
The Distinctive Ideas of the Old Testament
Richard Wurmbrand (d. 2001), a Romanian Jew imprisoned for his Messianic faith by Nazis and Communists. He founded an aid organization called "Voice of the Martyrs," to assist fellow believers being persecuted in Communist and Muslim countries. Since Mr. Wumrbrand's death, VoM has apparently descended into patterns of corrupt financial practices. Christ on the Jewish Road
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