Non–English Translations Below are translations of articles and studies posted elsewhere on this website.
The translators themselves requested my permission to render them into
their respective languages. Accurate representation of my original studies is the
responsibility of the translators. — Paul Sumner
FRENCH À La Droite de Dieu [French, HTML, 1 page] [Psaume 110:1, Matthieu 22:44; Hébreux 1:3; Actes 7:55-56; Romains 8:33-34; Hébreux 7:24b-25]
Translation of: Overlooked Texts (Alef)Le Conseil Divin dans la Bible Hébraïque [French, HTML & PDF, 27 pages]
Translator: Théo Catusse
Translation of: The Divine Council in the Hebrew Bible [PDF]Le Conseil Divin dans la Bible Hébraïque et dans le Nouveau Testament [French, PDF, 13 pages]
Translator: Théo Catusse
Translation of: The Divine Council in the Hebrew Bible & New TestamentLe Conseil Divin dans le Judaïsme du Second Temple et dans le Nouveau Testament [French, HTML & PDF, 26 pages]
Translator: Théo Catusse
Translation of: The Divine Council in Second Temple Judaism and the New Testament [PDF]RUSSIAN
Translator: Larissa Pevear
Translation of: He Who is Coming (The Hidden Afikoman)
1 Johannes 5:7 [Dutch, PDF, 6 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: 1 John 5:7Adon Olam [Hebrew/Dutch, PDF, 1 page]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: Adon OlamBidden voor Jeruzalem [Dutch, PDF, 3 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: Praying For JerusalemDe Chassidische Moeder van Yeshua [Dutch, PDF, 9 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: The Hasidic Mother of YeshuaDe Derde Dag: Opstandingpatronen i/d Hebreeuwse Bijbel [Dutch, PDF, 6 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: The Third Day: Resurrection Patterns in the Hebrew Bible"Echad" in het Shema [Dutch, PDF, 13 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: "Echad" in the Shema"Elohiem" in Bijbelse Context [Dutch, PDF, 9 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: "Elohim" in Biblical ContextGenocide in Israel [Dutch, PDF, 1 page]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: Rachel is WeepingDe Hemelse Raad in de Hebreeuwse Bijbel
en Nieuwe Testament [Dutch, PDF, 17 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: The Heavenly Council in the Hebrew Bible & New TestamentDUTCH
De Herder-Heer van Handelingen [Dutch, PDF, 9 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: The Shepherd-Lord of ActsHoe Joods is de Drie-eenheid [Dutch, PDF, 13 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: How Jewish is the Trinity? [PDF]Iedereen is in Gods Boek des Levens (...voor een tijdje) [Dutch, PDF, 8 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: Everyone is in God's Book of Life (...for a while)Middelaars in de Tenach en de Messias Middelaar [Dutch, PDF, 14 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: Mediators in the Tanakh and the Mediator Messiah"Palestina" in de Bijbel [Dutch, PDF, 8 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: "Palestine" in the BibleEen Pascha Gebed [Hebrew/Dutch, PDF, 1 page]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: A Passover PrayerDe Persoonlijkheid van de Heilige Geest [Dutch, PDF, 8 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: The Personhood of the Holy SpiritHet "Shema" is Niet Alles [Dutch, PDF, 5 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: The "Shema" is Not AllTorah In Het Hart [Dutch, PDF, 5 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: Torah Upon the Heart (A Mosaic Idea)De Troonvisioenen en de Hemelse Raad in het Nieuwe Testament [Dutch, PDF, 3 pages]
Translator: Joop Akker
Condensed Translation of: The Heavenly Council in the New TestamentDe Twee Heren [Dutch, PDF, 8 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: The Two LordsWaarom de Rabbijen Daniel (...naar de Ketuvim) Verbanden [Dutch, PDF, 5 pages]
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: Why the Rabbis Exiled Daniel ( the Ketuvim)We zijn in de Laatste Dagen (Ze begonnen in 33 n. Chr.) (Dutch, PDF, 3 pages)
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: We're in the Last Days (They Began in 33 CE)Yeshua Knielde on te Bidden (Dutch, PDF, 8 pages)
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: Yeshua Knelt to PrayYeshua Zorgde voor Ontbijt (Dutch, PDF, 4 pages)
Translator: Marcel Achten
Translation of: Yeshua Fixed Them Breakfast
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