
Synonyms of Ruach
(A Study in Hebrew Metaphors)

One of the keys to unlocking the question of Yeshua's messiahship is to ask: Why is he called the Anointed? Who anointed him? With what is he anointed?

The ancient Hebrews (including Yeshua and his disciples) were not Westerners. Their imaginations and ways of expressing truth were rich, earthy, and wide-ranging. They didn't say something just one way. They used harmonic synonyms. Through overlapping zones of synonymity they extended the power of their messages.

Such fluid circles of meaning make Western-trained thinkers roll their eyes. But it's in the overlapping use of the words mind, breath-face-presence, hand, and spirit that we gain insight into the biblical title “Messiah.”

Click HERE to open and/or download the article. It's a PDF and runs 7 pages.


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