4QBlessings [4Q280]
1 [...May God keep him apart] for evil from the amongst sons of light,
[for they turn away from following him...]
2 [and they will say: Accur]sed are you, Melki-resha, in all the pla[ns of
your guilty inclination. May] God [make you]
3 an object of dread at the hand of those exacting vengeance.
May God not favour you when you call on him.
[May his angry face]
4 upon you for a curse. May there be no peace for you
in the mouth of those who intercede.
5 [Be cursed,] without a remnant; and be damned, without salvation.
And accursed be those who put into operation [their wicked plans]
6 and those who have implanted wickedness in their hearts to plot
against the covenant of God [...and against]
7 [the wo]rds of those seeing his tru[th. And all those who
refuse to enter [his covenant...]
Florentino García Martínez (editor), The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated
(2nd ed.; Leiden: Brill; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996), p. 434
4QBlessings [4Q280]
1 [...God shall separate him out] for evil from the midst of the Sons of Li[ight because of his apostasy].
2 [And they shall say in response, "Cur]sed are you, O Melkiresha',
for all the pur[poses of our guilty desires.
May] God [appoint you]
3 as an object of terror in the hands of those who wreak vengeance.
May God not be gracious to you when you call out,
[and may He lift up His angry face]
4 to you in indignation, so that you might not have peace
in the mouth of all who make interces[sion. Cursed are you]
5 without remnant. You are damned, without survivor.
And cursed are all who perpetra[te deception, . . .]
6 and those who [es]stablish evil plans in their hearts,
to plot against the covenant of God [. . .]
Michael Wise, Martin Abegg, Jr., Edward Cook (editors), The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation
(San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1996), pp. 286-87
4QVisions of Amranb [4Q544]
Fragment 2
1 [...] ruling over you [...]
2 [...] this, who are you? And he said to me: This [...]
3 [...] and Melki-resha. Blank I said: My Lord: What [...]
4 [...] dark and all his work is dark, and in darkness he [...]
5 [...] you see. And he rules over all darkness, and I [...]
6 [... from the] upper [regions] up to the lower regions,
I rule over all that is bright and all [...]
Florentino García Martínez (editor), The Dead Sea Scrolls Translated
(2nd ed.; Leiden: Brill; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1996), p. 273
4QVisions of Amran [4Q544]
Column 2
1 [...rules] over you [...]
2 [...] who is this one? He said to me, "Now this one [...]
3 [... His name is] Malki-Resha, ruler of wickedness."
And I said, My lord, what is the nature of [...]
4 [...] all his deeds are darkness, and he dwells in darkness [...]
5 [...] he sees, and he rules over all darkness,
while I [am Melchizedek ...]
6 [...] from the height to the depths, I am ruler over all night [...]
Michael Wise, Martin Abegg, Jr., Edward Cook (editors), The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation
(San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1996), p. 435
4QVisions of Amran [4Q544]
Fragment 2
... this [Watcher]: 'Who is he?' He said to me: 'This Wa[tcher] . . .
[and his three names are...] and Melkiresha' ." ...
And I said: 'My Lord, what...' [And he said to me] ...
[and all his paths are dark]ness, and all his work is darkness,
and he is ... in darkness ... you see.
And he rules over all darkness and I [rule over all light] ...
Geza Vermes, The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English
(London & New York: Penguin Books, 1997), p. 535
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