
Directory | Site Map | Dead Sea Scrolls
Isaiah 53 at Qumran | Isaiah 40:3 Over Two Millennia [PDF]
The Name at Qumran [PDF] |
Hebrew-Aramaic Transliteration [PDF]

Visit the Israel Museum's Digital Display of key Qumran Scrolls.

Dead Sea (Qumran) Scroll Scripts

Two modern Hebrew alphabets (reading right to left).

Two sample alphabet lines extrapolated from the Nash Papyri found in 1902 in Egypt.
Dates to ca. 164 BC.

Lines 1 & 2 extrapolated from Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsa).
Dates to 125–100 BC.
Line 3 from a Marriage Deed from AD 1065 (for comparison).

Two sample alphabet lines extrapolated from the Habakkuk Commentary (1QpHab).
Dates to 30–1 BC.

Alphabet scans from: Solomon A. Birnbaum, "The Qumran (Dead Sea) Scrolls and Palaeography" in American Schools of Oriental Research, Supplementary Studies 13-14 (1952): 33, 38, 41.


Directory | Site Map | Dead Sea Scrolls
Isaiah 53 at Qumran | Isaiah 40:3 Over Two Millennia [PDF]
The Name at Qumran [PDF]
Hebrew-Aramaic Transliteration [PDF]

Visit the Israel Museum's Digital Display of key Qumran Scrolls.