My View of "Flying Saucers": None of the reported spacecraft originates from other planets. The numerous citings of UFOs (unidentified flying objects) or UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena) have one or three originations:
- They are manufactured by human military or private aircraft companies.
They are hallucinations of human brains.
They are cross-dimensional phenomena concocted by malevolent spiritual beings (angelic entities in opposition to the Biblical God).
My View of Alien Beings:
The beings whom many people report seeing or having some of form of "contact" with have one of two origins:
- They are hallucinations of human brains.
- They are apparitions or cross-dimensional material manifestations created by supernatural beings or spirits who seek to terrorize humans and deceive them. These entities have a single, hostile purpose: to draw people away from, believing in, or serving the Living God of the Bible and Jesus the Messiah.
In the Bible, these spirits are called in Hebrew shedim (demons) [Deuteronomy 32:17; Psalm 106:37]. In Greek they are daimonia (demons) [Luke 11:20; 1 Corinthians 10:20; Revelation 16:14] or pneumata akatharta (unclean spirits) [Mark 1:25-27; Luke 4:33; Revelation 18:2].
These beings pose as superior intelligences, even gods, or as counterfeit activities of the Holy Spirit of the Living God. As such, their inimical motives must be exposed—using Scripture, the Bible.
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"Our Lady of Fatima, UFOs, & September 1994"
"Lights in the Sky & Little Green Men" [by Hugh Ross]