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חָמָסHamas— ("Violence") in the Hebrew Bible

And the earth was corrupt before God,
and the earth was filled with violence [חָמָס]…
And God said to Noach,
"The end of all flesh has come before me;
for the earth is filled with violence [חָמָס] through them."
(Genesis 6:11,13)

"Edom…because of violence [חָמָס] to your brother Jacob,
Shame will cover you,
And you will be eliminated forever." (Obadiah 1:1,10)

Egypt will become a waste,
And Edom will become a desolate wilderness,
Because of the violence [חָמָס] done to the sons of Judah,
In whose land they have shed innocent blood.
(Joel 3:19 [4:19 in Hebrew])

Like a lamb that is led to slaughter…
He was cut off from out of the land of the living…
His grave was assigned to be with wicked men
Yet with a rich man in his death;
Although he had done no violence [חָמָס],
Nor was there any deceit in his mouth. (Isaiah 53:8-9)

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The noun hamas occurs 60x at:
Gen 6:11; 6:13; 16:5; 49:5; Exod 23:1; Deut 19:16; Judg 9:24; 2 Sam 22:3; 22:49;
Isa 53:9; 59:6; 60:18; Jer 6:7; 20:8; 51:35; 51:46; Ezek 7:11; 7:23; 8:17; 12:19; 28:16; 45:9;
Joel 3:19 [Heb 4:19]; Amos 3:10: 6:3; Obad 1:10; Jonah 3:8; Micah 6:12;
Hab 1:2; 1:3; 1:9; 2:8; 2:17; 2:17; Zeph 1:9; Malachi 2:16;
         Ps 7:16 [Heb 7:17]; 11:5; 18:48 [Heb 18:49]; 25:19; 27:12; 35:11; 55:9 [Heb 55:10];
58:2 [Heb 58:3]; 72:14; 73:6; 74:20; 140:1 [140:2]; 140:4 [140:5]; 140:11 [140:12];
Prov 3:31; 4;17; 10:6; 10:11; 13:2; 16:29; 26:6; Job 16:17; 19:7; 1 Chron 12:17 [12:18].

The verb hamas occurs 8x at:
Jer 13:22; 22:3; Ezek 22:26; Zeph 3:4; Prov 8:36; Job 15:33; 21:27; Lamen 2:6.