Together with the vine and olive tree, figs constituted the most important and useful tree of the ancient Israelites. If the ground is well cultivated and the trees taken care of, the fig trees will produce two harvests a year: in June (the early figs; pag) and in late August–early September. The late figs are pressed into cakes (deveilah) and preserved for export. [Source: Fauna and Flora of the Bible (United Bible Societies, 1972), 118]
The figs in this photo were growing above the Nahal Eli Ad canyon in southern Ramat haGolan (Golan Heights). They were small in June and thus were “new.”
In Matthew 24:32-33 Yeshua points his disciples attention to the fig tree for a lesson in watching for the Last Days.
When its branch has already become tender, and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; even so you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near — right at the door.